Editorial Policy and Reviewing


Word and Text – A Journal of Literary Studies and Linguistics accepts only original articles, review articles and reviews in English and publishes only themed issues.
In case of republications, those need to be strongly recommended by the editors of an issue (with explanations to the journal editors why that is necessary for the volume) and all copyright should be obtained. The previous publication should be properly acknowledged. One volume should contain no more than one republished item.
Authors are responsible for the originality of the manuscripts they submit for publication as well as for the right of using third-party materials in their articles.
There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charges for this journal.
As a member of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), Word and Text – A Journal of Literary Studies and Linguistics abides by the rules of publication integrity stated by COPE, and uses COPE Guidelines on publication ethics as a guide to best practice: https://publicationethics.org/about/our-organisation



The following instructions will ensure we have everything required so that your article can move through peer review, production and publication smoothly.

Word and Text – A Journal of Literary Studies and Linguistics is committed to peer-review integrity and upholding the highest review standards. It uses a double-anonymized peer reviewing system for all articles, with at least two reviewers assigned for each article, the only way to ensure the quality of our published material. Therefore, both the identity of the authors of all submitted articles as well as the identity of the reviewers are kept anonymous at all times. At all stages during the review process, before the decision to accept an article/review article/review has been taken, neither the author nor the reviewer can identify the other. The reviewers are unaware of the identity of each other.

The ethical principles that Word and Text – A Journal of Literary Studies and Linguistics respects are honesty, integrity, scientific accuracy and responsibility, inclusion of all cited sources, avoidance of plagiarism (including avoiding duplicative publication known as self-plagiarism); appropriate acknowledgement of the role of other parties in the research, of intellectual property rights and complying with any relevant laws relating to intellectual property (patents, copyright, and other forms of intellectual property; getting permission in writing to use different sources, images etc), cultured values and sensitive data; conducting original investigation undertaken to gain knowledge, understanding and insight.
Plagiarism in all its forms and any type of academic fraud (fabrication of data, listing as contributors authors who did not contribute to the article/review article/ review, offering benefits to the Editorial Board in order to publish, etc.) are not tolerated. A preliminary stage of the peer reviewing consists in checking the manuscript using specialized software to detect plagiarism.
Avoidance of Plagiarism (including avoiding duplicative publication known as self-plagiarism) means that the author guarantees honesty, integrity, accuracy and responsibility, inclusion of all sources appropriate acknowledgement of the role of others in the research he/she conducted, inclusion of intellectual property rights (patents, copyrights, and other forms of intellectual property; getting permission in writing to use different sources, images etc); informing all relevant parties to the research of the nature and scope of confidentiality agreements; complying with any relevant laws relating to intellectual property, cultured values and sensitive data; conducting original investigation undertaken to gain knowledge, understanding and insight. All articles/ review articles/ reviews submitted for credit is expected to be the student’s own work. In the preparation of all papers and to Word and Text, authors should distinguish their own ideas and knowledge from information derived from other sources. The term ‘sources’ includes not only published primary and secondary material but also information and opinions gained directly from other people. The authors should make sure that no AI tools were used in writing their articles/ review articles/ reviews.

Acknowledgement Policy

Authors need to acknowledge and cite sources in the following situations:

  • when introducing information which is not considered common knowledge;
  • when copying the exact words of another author’s works (published or unpublished: i.e. conference papers, online talks, etc.);
  • when rewriting, paraphrasing or summarizing information from any other sources (published or unpublished: i.e. conference papers, online talks, etc.);
  • when introducing facts that they found in any other source (published or unpublished: i.e. conference papers, online talks, reports etc.);
  • when obtaining information from any third parties;
  • when producing or modifying any illustration, picture or other visual materials created by other authors.

Authors need not acknowledge and cite sources in the following situations:

  • when writing about their own experiences, whether based on own observations, critical opinions, or formulating own conclusions;
  • when it is a general widely accepted knowledge or an established fact that has been confirmed in many sources;
  • when they use public information (historical dates, historical events, a writer’s / an artist’s/ a critic’s biographical data, etc.).

Word and Text – A Journal of Literary Studies and Linguistics reserves the right not to engage in any way with unethical requests such as publishing an author/a group of authors who offers amounts of money or other benefits to the Editorial Board.
The editor(s) will provide reviewers with a Paper Review Form which they need to fill in for each article (which is numbered by the editor, the identity of the author being hidden from the reviewer). Fairness, respecting human dignity, individuality and confidentiality, acknowledging diversity, avoiding bias and exclusive language (sexist, racist, homophobic, etc.) are principles that the journal adheres to. Reviewers are advised to avoid discriminatory language or to comment on other factors not related to the scientific value of the contribution they are examining.

The main points that the reviewers are invited to comment about are:

  • Is the subject addressed in this article worthy of investigation?
  • Is the information presented new?
  • Are the author’s conclusions supported by the data?
  • Does the essay address the theme of the issue?
  • Does the essay follow (critical, stylistic, bibliographical etc) standards of literacy adequate for publication?

The following scale will be used:
0-3: fails by a large amount;
4-5: fails by a small amount;
6-7: succeeds by a small amount;
8-10: succeeds by a large amount.
Additionally, the reviewers may choose to make further comments in the Review Form and/or add more anonymous comments on the anonymized article that the editors of the volume will pass on to the author(s).


Word and Text – A Journal of Literary Studies and Linguistics does not use pre-prints.