Vol. VIII  / 2018




Arleen Ionescu and Anne-Marie Callus - Encounters between Disability Studies and Critical Trauma Studies: Introduction  

Section 1: Autoethnographies Voicing Experiences of Disability through the Lens of Trauma Studies

Shahd Alshammari - On Being Woman, Other and Disabled: Navigating Identity

Douglas E. Kidd - Neurodivergence Enminded/Embodied: Living with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury

Ann Millett-Gallant - Mind and Body Transformations through Visual Art

Sarah Redikopp - Borderline Knowing: (Re)Valuing Borderline Personality Disorder as (Counter) Knowledge

Section 2: Fictional Narratives Featuring Encounters between Disability Studies and Critical Trauma Studies in Films and in Literature

Sasha Dilan Krugman - Reclamation of the Disabled Body: A Textual Analysis of Browning’s Freaks (1932) vs Modern Media’s Sideshow Generation

Katherine E. Smith -  ‘It’s a Pity and a Sin’: Images of Disability, Trauma and Subverted Power in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast

Josephine Barnett - Setting the Stage for Bridging Disability and Trauma Studies: Reclaiming Narrative in Amy and the Orphans

Tracy Anne Travis - To Leap First Down into The Trench:  Tristram Shandy’s Critique of The Wounds of War

Section 3: Biographic Accounts at the Intersection between Disability Studies and Critical Trauma Studies

Kurt Borg - Narrating Disability, Trauma and Pain: The Doing and Undoing of the Self in Language

Nontsasa Nako - Invincible yet Vulnerable: Race, Disability and Trauma in South Africa after Oscar Pistorius

Sharon D. Raynor - The Double Consciousness and Disability Dilemma: Trauma and the African American Veteran

Section 4: Review Articles

Anne-Marie Callus - Reading Disability in Literature and in Film

Arleen Ionescu and Rongrong Qian - On Public Representation of Trauma