No. 1 / 2008


Signing an Artist's Identity Card Percival Everett's Erasure
Anca Mihaela Dobrinescu

Azar Nafisi's Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Sample of Culture Intertwining
Irina Toma

Molly's Gifts
Arleen Ionescu

Women in Visual Culture: Instances of Femininity in Tracy Chevalier's Fiction
Raluca Ghenţulescu

The Rhetoric of the Epistle in Laclos' The Dangerous Liaisons
Anca Ștefan

The Anticommunist Resistance in the Novel of the "Obsessive Decade? ? Historical Truth and Propaganda
Mihaela Iancu

Culture populaire dans Le Livre des nuits de Sylvie Germain
Serenela Ghiţeanu

Un univers bipolaire dans L'Enfant méduse de Sylvie Germain
Ghiţeanu Serenela

The Profile of Masses in Contemporary Art and Society
Loredana Gădălean

The railway paradigm in American and Romanian literature
Dorin Stănescu

The Celestial Voyage of Love in Hardy's Two on a Tower
Ioana Mitrea

Iconicité et communication par images dans le journalisme
Elena Predescu

Napoléon Ier Bonaparte et son influence sur la presse du temps
Elena Predescu

La construction de l'auditoire. Stratégie argumentative dans la Déclaration de candidature aux élections présidentielles
Steluţa Coculescu

Jokes under Romanian Communism
Carmen Popescu

Ergativity ? an Essential Structure in the Assignment of Thematic Roles
Maria Ionela Neagu

From Transformational Grammar to the Minimalist Approach: structure, meaning and function
Maria Ionela Neagu

Learning English ? a Free Choice or a Growing Need?
Adriana Teodorescu

Different Methods of Teaching English
Adriana Teodorescu

Cracking a Hard Nut: Preposition
Oana Smoleanu